Thursday, July 9, 2009


Rural development is the second pillar of the common agricultural policy (CAP). It is in line with the Lisbon objective on competitiveness and the Gothenburg objective on sustainability and focuses on four fundamental areas:

  1. the competitiveness of agriculture, food products and forestry;
  2. land management and the environment;
  3. quality of life and diversification in rural areas;
  4. The Leader Community initiative.

The competitiveness of agriculture, food products and forestry is to be improved through measures targeting human capital, physical capital and food products, including quality production. Land management measures will be established to protect natural resources and improve high nature value farming, forestry systems and cultural landscapes. The quality of life and diversification in rural areas is being enhanced by incentivizing the diversification of economic activities and the expansion of local infrastructure. Finally, the Leader initiative promotes diversification of the economic activities of rural areas through innovative, integrated local development schemes with an emphasis on participation.

The Rural Development policy 2007-2013 is hearted on three particular areas laid down in the new rural development regulation being: 

  1. Improving competitiveness for farming and forestry;
  2. Environment and countryside;
  3. Improving quality of life and diversification of the rural economy.

A fourth axis called "Leader axis" based on experience with the Leader Community Initiatives introduces possibilities for locally based bottom-up approaches to rural development. The new programming period provides a unique opportunity to refocus support from the new rural development fund whereby through Axis mentioned before, adopt the rural development to generate growth, create jobs and maintain sustainability as shown in the figure below.

The Regulation specifies minimum proportions of the EU co-financing to be allocated to each Axis, as shown in Table 1 below.  As these minima account for only half the available co-financing there is considerable scope for Member States to shift the balance of their programmes to meet their own priorities, as shown below, including the possibility of allocating more than half the funding to the Leader approach in which the objectives of different Axes may be combined. 

Figure 2.1 The Strategic Approach - The new Rural Development Plan 2007 – 2013


About This Blog

Countryside in Malta by Paul Mizzi

This blog was built to further promote the foundation GalXlokk in its process to evolve and start operate as a LAG. The foundation is made up of 12 public entities from 12 different localities and other 13 private entities.

The aim of the blog will be to increase the knowledge of the general public about the leader programme on the island especially in the southern part of it. The blog will also involve the stakeholders in the concerned area to participate in various polls, inform them about current activities that the foundation would be organizing and also serve as a discussion board for all of those who want to have their say about the programme and the foundation in general.

Nothing else remains to say for me except to encourage you to participate lively in our newborn BLOG.

Blog Archive

Upcoming Activities

Study Visit to Bari

The foundation will be organising various study trips abroad to make its members more aware of the Leader Programme and increase their knowledge regarding Local Action Groups.

The second group will be heading to Bari on the 20th of October. A group of 10 active members will be attending to various seminars and workshops held in the Puglia region.

The group will stay in Bari for 7 days where the members will have the opportunity to visit various agritourism sites, enjoy the beauties of the Gargano and view the works of the already established Gal Meridaunia.

The foundation GalXlokk believes that its members are the base to success so it will be working to form its members properly to ensure the best performance in the Leader Initiative.

Updates and photos of all the study trips will be available online on the foundation's blog.

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