Sunday, October 18, 2009

Gudja Locality Meeting - 10/10/09

On the 10th of October another meeting was held in the locality of Gudja. The following is a list of ideas proposed by those present to the meeting:

§         Breakfast for Kids who arrive early at School
§         Homework Course after School Hours
§         Facilitate access to Places of Interest for Elderly
§         Band School
§         Outdoor Gym
§         Embellishment of Housing Estate Area
§         Development of PL Hall to be used for Educational Purposes
§         Multi Purpose Hall
§         After School Courses
§         Child Care Centre
§         Creation of a Civic Centre
§         Elderly Day Centre
§         Youth Exchanges
§         Development of Playgrounds
§         Create a Heritage Trail including Local Niches
§         Restoration of Unique Balconies

If you would like to comment on these proposed ideas or even propose something new, please leave a comment to this post. Your Opinion is Our Priority


Anonymous,  October 24, 2009 at 10:26 AM  

Following last Saturday's informative meeting at Gudja may I propose the following suggestions on behalf of St Joan Antide School -

1) Since Gudja and most Xlokk villages are not a tourist attraction,our pupils are less exposed to people that speak in English than children who live in for eg Sliema, Mellieha etc.. This gives them an unfair disadvantage in adult life especially when seeking jobs. With this in mind, our school would like to embark on a project wherby parents/adults who are foreigners are invited to school on a weekly basis and speak to pupils in English with the proper accent. These parents could do a crafts session, storytelling or take part in debates with pupils in English.

2) Another project we have in mind is to invite ex-teachers and well-educated pensioners from Gudja and it s surroundings to help pupils with their HW after school hours. This would benefit both working mothers, the elderly who have free time on their hands, as well as the pupils.

3) We were also thinking of involving people who have free time to spare, to come to school and teach our pupils -
a) how to cook healthy and traditional recipes - the way nanna used to cook
b) basic gardening skills

In the past we had pilot projects for some of the above but since everything was on a voluntary basis it was difficult to implement them long term. The HW club is still functioning because we have two teachers doing the job but between them they can only keep 6 pupils as the children need individual attention.

I m hoping that with your help we can implement these projects on a larger scale and for longer duration.

Anonymous,  October 24, 2009 at 10:29 AM  

Matul is-sena 2011,il-Parrocca Arcimatrici u Arcipretali Sta.Marija Gudja,ha tkun qed tfakkar il-575 sena tal-Parrocca.Ghalhekk ser issiru diversi attivitajiet fil-Parrocca biex dan l-anniversarju jibqa mfakkar.
Ghalhekk twaqqaf Group Organizativ mill-parrocca li flimkien ma` l-Arcipriet Dun Martin Cardona qed nahdmu biex dawk il-proposti li gew approvati mill-Kurja biex issiru matul is-sena 2011 jigu atwatti.

Hija xewqa taghna li ntelghaw ~L-Oratorju Muzikali~ `LEJN MARIJA MTELLGHA SEMA`muzika tas-surmast Gudjan Mro.Tony Pace.Dan l-Oratorju kien itellgha fit-tieni centinarju tal-vara titulari ta`Sta.Marija fil-knisja tal-Gudja u tant intalqa tajjeb li ghadu fuq fomm il-Gudjani kollha.

About This Blog

Countryside in Malta by Paul Mizzi

This blog was built to further promote the foundation GalXlokk in its process to evolve and start operate as a LAG. The foundation is made up of 12 public entities from 12 different localities and other 13 private entities.

The aim of the blog will be to increase the knowledge of the general public about the leader programme on the island especially in the southern part of it. The blog will also involve the stakeholders in the concerned area to participate in various polls, inform them about current activities that the foundation would be organizing and also serve as a discussion board for all of those who want to have their say about the programme and the foundation in general.

Nothing else remains to say for me except to encourage you to participate lively in our newborn BLOG.

Upcoming Activities

Study Visit to Bari

The foundation will be organising various study trips abroad to make its members more aware of the Leader Programme and increase their knowledge regarding Local Action Groups.

The second group will be heading to Bari on the 20th of October. A group of 10 active members will be attending to various seminars and workshops held in the Puglia region.

The group will stay in Bari for 7 days where the members will have the opportunity to visit various agritourism sites, enjoy the beauties of the Gargano and view the works of the already established Gal Meridaunia.

The foundation GalXlokk believes that its members are the base to success so it will be working to form its members properly to ensure the best performance in the Leader Initiative.

Updates and photos of all the study trips will be available online on the foundation's blog.

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