Birzebbugia Locality Meeting - 01/10/09
As part of the consultation process, various locality meetings are being held in each of the members' localities. The first of this series of meetings was held in Birzebbugia where there was a really good participation from the general public and organizations.
The following is a list of ideas proposed by those present:
§ Development of a Multi-Purpose Sports Complex for the Southern Region of Malta
§ The Availability of Evening Courses in B’Bugia Schools for Elderly
§ The Proposal of a B’Bugia DAY
In Bugia we are facing alot of adverse and negative feelings lately as from a quiet village that offered a beautiful beach. These last twenty five years the village is turned into an industrial area to the detriment of the residents.
Hence we are proposing a multipurpose complex that could be utilised in all seasons for the benefit of the whole community.
We are aware that space is limited but with some planning and funds I am sure that we can find a solution. The school is full of open spaces that could be used after school hours and also during the summer time.The water polo pitch is in a derelict state,
if we could find the funds I am sure that we can change its present situation.
We are interested to discuss further these proposals with other Ngos .
I thank you for your attention
Suggerimenti ghal strategija biex jingiebu Fondi mill-UE permezz tal-Fondazzjoni GAL Xlokk.
Birzebbuga huwa rahal marittimu li jhaddan fih diversi dilettanti tal-Bahar. Fil-fatt f’Birzebbuga nsibu ghadd ta’ ghaqdiet li huma marbutin direttament mal-bahar, fosthom il-Klabb tar-Regatta. Ma dan kollhu, sfortunatament Birzebbuga hija nieqsa ghal kollox mill-facilitajiet marbutin ma dawn id-delizzji tradizzjonali Maltin.
Ghalhekk nissugerixxu biex fl-istrategija li qed tinbena mill-Fondazzjoni GAL Xlokk, jigu inkluzi dawn il-punti:-
Fondi biex tinbena Boathouse bhala storage ghad-dghajjes. Din il-boathouse ghandha tkun kumplimentata bil-facilitajiet necessarji, fosthom slipway.
Fondi biex jigu organizzati attivitajiet sportivi/kulturali relatati mall-bahar.
Fondi ghar-rinnovazzjoni u restawr ta’ opri tal-bahar tradizzjonali mahdumin bl-injam.
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